
夜鹰之友的成员于七月二十六日举行夏季会议. 这次会议包括与夜鹰之友的联合会议, 总裁谘询小组, 以及下河谷校舍修复项目委员会的成员. 会议一开始就介绍了学院的最新情况. Garcia to include the recent college milestone that 东北湖景学院 can now offer federal financial aid to its 学生. 另外, 这群人就大学筹款问题进行了长时间的讨论, as one of the charges to this group is to assist the President’s Office with projects that benefit 学生 and provide advice on projects as they relate to the overall growth of the institution and student success. 除了提供即将到来的十周年纪念活动的细节,为学生奖学金筹集资金, the group engaged in conversations on the status of the fundraising for the Lower Valley Schoolhouse Restoration Project. 委员们被告知该项目的历史、项目费用和迄今为止筹集的资金. The group discussed the next steps to include the overall viability of the project given the cost estimate to renovate the building compared to the balance in the account. 生成了一个任务列表,其中包括将博物馆搬迁到其他历史遗址的选项, 请求第二次修复建议, 确保有一个完整的库存清单. The project will be brought back for discussion at the 夜鹰的朋友们 next meeting in September where a final decision on the project will be determined. 下河谷学校修复委员会10名委员中有8人出席了会议.

Dr. 总统维罗妮卡·加西亚主持了一次会议 & 5月31日与夜鹰之友成员的问候会议. 这是第一次. 加西亚于2017年3月担任主席,他领导了该小组的一次讨论. 她了解了每个成员以及他们所代表的选民群体. She also provided members with college updates and highlights to include an accreditation status report and a preliminary overview and timeline of the new building that NLC will receive as a result of the recent 澳门新葡京博彩区 bond that was passed. 然后,加西亚带领小组讨论了当前的劳动力趋势和需求项目. Dr. Garcia will be looking for input from these members and their community constituents as NLC grows and expands program offerings.

夜鹰之友的成员于8月3日举行了2016年夏季会议. Dr. 临时校长克利里(Cleary)向大家介绍了大学的最新情况和亮点. 具体来说,博士. Cleary informed the group of the college’s candidacy status that was granted by the Southern Association of 大学 and Schools Commission on 大学 (SACSCOC) in June 2016 and he discussed how candidacy status will positively impact the community and the 学生 that the institution serves. 此外,博士. 克利里向成员们介绍了学院即将到来的十年里程碑. 为员工举办的活动和庆祝活动, 学生, 社区正在规划中,并将在2017年全年举办. Members of the group engaged in dialogue about getting community partners involved in these events and other college activities.  

在3月23日的会议上,“夜鹰之友”的成员会见了李博士. 克利里,临时校长,以及学院的行政团队. Dr. Cleary强调了2015年的成就,并讨论了该机构未来的计划. 他回顾了该机构的认证历程, 包括2016年2月SACSCOC候选人的实地考察. The group also discussed their future goals and focus some of which included a recap of soft skills that NLC graduates should achieve for gainful employment in the community, 以及对NLC未来学术项目的讨论.  


Members from the 夜鹰的朋友们 (FON) President’s Advisory Council met on October 28 and were hosted by the City of Cibolo. 这个月, 小组进一步了解了Cibolo的人口和经济状况, TX, NLC服务的九个城市之一. 此外,博士. 韦斯·亚当斯, 运动机能系的助理主任, 向成员们介绍了学院的健康设施及其便利设施.

A community wellness survey was being distributed to the group to learn more about how NLC can meet the needs in health, 健身, 以及学院服务领域的健康.


 环球影城主办, 会议首先对环球影城的人口结构进行了高层概述,包括人口, 家庭, 种族, 收入, 受教育程度, 劳动力, 目前就读东北湖景学院的加州大学学生人数, 东北湖景学院未来可能的学生和社会经济数据. 另外, employers in attendance were asked to provide feedback on the soft skills that need to be developed to increase the value of NLC 学生 in the workforce and discuss the specific soft skill(s) that their business or industry needs to see in college graduates. 


“夜鹰之友”于22日召开了4月会议. 该组织每月聚在一起制定如何提高社区大学意识的战略, 特别是东北湖景学院, 并推进该机构的使命. 在过去的几个月, the meetings have focused on information gathering and assessing the community perception of community colleges and NLC.


“夜鹰之友”主席谘询委员会于二零零一年七月三十日举行第三次会议 2月25日. 在这次会议上, 委员们深入了解了国家图书馆的历史, 学生人口, 以及学院所服务的社区. Members of the committee will now survey their local constituents and garner feedback regarding the current perceptions of community colleges, NLC意识, 以及对当地高等教育机构的期望.

1月28日的会议上, members of the 夜鹰的朋友们 decided that Kim Turner from the City of Universal City would serve as the inaugural Chair of the group. 他们分享了学校的最新动态和亮点,以及即将到来的校园活动和事件. Members also discussed the importance of two-way communication between 东北湖景学院 and the communities that the college serves. The group discussed the meeting scheduled for 2015 and began a preliminary dialogue on the group’s overall objectives for the year.

夜鹰之友于2014年12月3日举行了成立大会. The group gathered for the first time and learned more about each other and the organization or city that each represented. The 夜鹰的朋友们 Advisory Group was formed as a result of the 社区 Listening Sessions hosted in Summer and Fall 2014. 在第一次会议上, members of the group were provided with a summary of these 社区 Listening Sessions to include salient points and key takeaways. The group concluded the meeting with a brief discussion on next steps and requested that an overview of the college include student demographic information and a history of the institution be shared at an upcoming meeting.