Resources for Faculty

Quick Guides:

  1. Setting Up and Scoring Assessments with eLumen: This is a getting started document for faculty to use if they are new to the system or if a faculty member needs a refresher on adding, 发现, or scoring assessments in eLumen.
  2. Generating an SLO by Term Report: This document is generated by individual faculty members. It will show if Course Student Learning Outcomes are scoring above 70%. By viewing this document, faculty members can see the possible impact their assessment is making to the overall discipline outcome report, generated by Charis/Coordinators/DARS.
  3. How to See Which CSLOs are Mapped to Marketable Skills Focus Areas: This document helps a faculty member know the Marketable Skills Focus Areas that their Course Student Learning Outcomes are linked to in each course they are teaching.
  4. Generating a Faculty SLO by Course Report



Timeline: Learning Assessment Timeline for Faculty


How to Read a SLO by Term Report:

Setting Up and Scoring Assessments in eLumen (Video)