健康care Technician: 放血

项目类型: 面对面的
项目级别: 证书
部门: 健康 Sciences and Histology
研究所: 健康 & 生物科学
大学: 程控

What is the 放血 program?

静脉切开术(PLAB)计划准备健康科学专业人员使用适当的技术和普遍的预防措施执行各种采血方法. The course covers vacuum collection devices, 注射器, 皮肤毛细血管穿刺, butterfly needles and blood cultures, and specimen collection on adults, 孩子们, 和婴儿. An emphasis is placed on infection prevention, proper patient identification, labeling of specimens and quality assurance, 标本处理, 处理, 和加入. Additional topics include professionalism, ethics, and medical terminology.


静脉切开术(PLAB)课程使健康科学专业人员能够使用适当的技术和普遍的预防措施执行各种采血方法. The courses cover vacuum collection devices, 注射器, 皮肤毛细血管穿刺, butterfly needles and blood cultures, and specimen collection on adults, 孩子们, 和婴儿. An emphasis is placed on infection prevention, proper patient identification, labeling of specimens and quality assurance, 标本处理, 处理, 和加入. 其他主题包括专业、道德、技术计算和医学术语.  总之, students will learn how to identify patients via identification, 医疗记录, 或者其他方式, draw blood or perform venipuncture using needles and other equipment.  How to label samples correctly and process them for testing.

What can I do with this course of study?



Information Sessions for MLAB/PLAB Spring 2024: 面对面的 (F-2-F) or 虚拟 







623 391 0365

11:30 - 12:30



623 391 0365

11:30 - 12:30



CHP, 302室


What's special about the program?


Upon successful completion of all six courses, 毕业成绩为“C”或更高,至少成功进行100次静脉穿刺, over the course of 120 hours in clinical rotation attendance, 允许学生通过ASCP参加国家认证考试:静脉切开技术员/PBT.

Program Certification and Information

The 健康care Technician: 放血 Program leads to a Level 1 Certificate.  The 课程 includes courses in an Introduction to 健康care, 医学术语, 技术计算, 和放血.  Clinical experiences are provided in area hospitals and clinics.


After completing the six required 健康care Technician: 放血 courses, 您将获得一级证书,然后也将有资格参加由美国临床病理学会(ASCP)管理的静脉切开术血液技术员(PBT)国家认证考试。.

此时此刻, the state of Texas does not require any type of licensing examination for phlebotomists; however, 完成该课程后,你通常可以在其他州参加执照考试. 




入学 & 需求

If you are not a current or past student of St. 菲利普的大学 (阿拉莫大学), you must first apply for admission to the college. 

The 放血 courses are structured as follows: the first 放血 course, PLAB 1223, which is the didactic lecture and lab portion, 从每个Flex学期开始,在整个学期的星期六开始(8).每天5小时).  The next 放血 course is the 3-week clinical rotation, 在Flex 2学期的某个时间同时进行3周:周一到周五为8周.5 hours 在白天 (schedule set by the hospital or clinical affiliate).  If you are working 在白天 or taking any day classes, 这是一个明显的冲突, as you would not be able to complete your clinical rotation.

Once you are accepted into the 放血 program, you will then receive an email via Aces prior to the beginning of the semester, 从项目主管或临床协调员那里得到关于如何开始犯罪背景调查和药物筛选的说明. 此时此刻, 同时也建议你开始为静脉切开术的临床轮转准备所有的免疫接种.

医疗技术员必需的四门课程之一:静脉切开术证书是:HITT 1305医学术语1.  这是一门在线课程,建议学生在开始静脉切开术特定课程之前提前注册完成.  PLAB 1263临床轮转课程在秋季和春季学期的第二个灵活学期提供.  The clinical rotation is a 3-week rotation (40 hours per week, 在白天, 星期一至星期五).  直到弹性学期开始前大约两周,学生才会被告知他们的临床实习(日期和地点).  There is also a Thursday morning PLAB 1223 class in the spring, 但这部分主要是为MLT(医学实验室技术员)学生保留的,是一个为期16周的课程.  偶尔,学生与项目主管的许可可以注册参加这门课.


入学 priority consideration will be given to students who:

1. Want to work as a phlebotomist

2. Students who have taken or are enrolled to take HITT 1305: 医学术语 I

The application deadline is July 15 for Fall and November 30 for Spring. ONLY 15 students are accepted into the program each semester.  No over-rides may be performed by ANYONE for admission into the class, once the maximum enrollment number has been reached.

Enrollment is on a first-come, first serve basis and is limited to the first 15 students.

一旦学生入学, 然后,临床协调员将与学生联系,要求他们的免疫接种记录.  免疫要求是由德克萨斯州强制要求所有健康科学专业的学生.  Students must complete the following list of immunizations and other requirements, prior to attending clinical rotations (by the requested deadline), 由学生承担费用.  未能完成所需的免疫接种将阻止学生参加临床轮转.

The immunizations and other requirements are as follows:

  • TB Skin Test (must be within the current year)
  • Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis (DTAP)
  • 流行性腮腺炎、麻疹、风疹(MMR)
  • 乙型肝炎
  • 水痘
  • 细菌性脑膜炎
  • 季节性流感疫苗

Complete an American Heart Association (AHA) BLS 健康 Care Provider CPR课程 for certification (online course not permitted).





1801 Martin Luther King Drive

MLK Center for 健康 Professions (CHP), 330V  

Program 应用程序 and Checklist

任何人不得, 以种族为基础, color, 性, 怀孕, 宗教, 信条, national origin (including ancestry), 国籍, physical or mental disability, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 性别, 变性人身份, 性别认同, 性别表达, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, 越战时期的老兵, or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, any other protected category under applicable local, 州或联邦法律, 或反对歧视或参与校园或政府机构投诉程序的人士, be excluded from participation in, 剥夺了…的好处, 或在就业或任何由学院区赞助或开展的计划或活动中受到歧视. H.1.1


Medical Laboratory Technician, Program Director
James Williams, MLS(AMT), MLT(ASCP)
MLK Center for 健康 Professions (CHP), 130

RTW-Partner-Badge-Training-Provider-color.png RTW-Partner-Badge-Official-Partner-color.png

One or more of these 项目 are approved 准备工作 项目. 弄清楚你是否有资格获得免费的学费和就业安置服务,这将使你获得一个有需求的职业. 

Don’t wait; apply today!更多的信息